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Activity Page 2

Communication and Language

Click on this link to remind yourself of some familiar nursery rhymes



Make a song box using pictures to represent the songs. Ask you child to pick a toy or picture from the box and that is the one you sing together.Here are a few suggestions:

Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Baa Baa Black Sheep
The Wheels on the Bus
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Sing these songs each day.

Read a story each day, pointing to different pictures within the book, use language like "Where is Mummy?"

Role model playing with cars and make the sound "Brmmmmm" as you push the cars along.

Encourage manners, this can be words or signs.


Song box using pictures to represent each song. Ask you child to pick a toy or picture from the box and that is the one you sing together. Here are a few suggestions:

If You're Happy and You Know it
Sleeping Bunnies
Old McDonald had a Farm
The Wheels on the Bus

Find a range of toy animals to play with and make the sound of each animal as you play together. You can make these sounds when you read stories about animals and make the sound of the things you see in the book too.

Play games where your child can follow instructions like "Roll the ball." or "Throw the ball."

Show your child choices of what they could have to eat. "Yoghurt or banana?" and encourage then to repeat the words.

Toddlers/Pre school

Make a song box with some action songs. Ask you child to pick a toy or picture from the box and that is the one you sing together. Here are some suggestions:

Wind the Bobbin Up 
One Two Three Four Five Once I Caught a Fish Alive
5 Little Ducks

Use a puppet or toys that you have available to bring stories to life as you read them.

 When making lunch or dinner, let your child help you and talk about what you are doing whilst you are doing it.

When playing with toys add in new words to describe what you are doing, "I'm making a tall tower!" or "I'm making a short tower!" "Look how wide it is!"

Pre school

Make a song box using action songs, using pictures or toys to represent each song. Ask you child to pick a toy or picture from the box and that is the one you sing together.Here are a few example:

The Alphabet Song
5 Currant Buns
If You're Happy and You Know It.

Read stories and have props for each story to help act the story out. For "The three little pigs" you could have some straw, some sticks and some bricks, you could use these to make the houses as you go through the story.

Play games like Simon said

Make usual activities more exciting by using "Ready, Steady, Go!"

When your child is helping you make lunch, ask questions like, "What do I need to cut the apple?" or "What do I need to pour the milk in to?"

When its time to tidy up, give them little instructions like, "Put the shoes back in the basket" given them what to put where rather than just saying tidy up.

Role play games and use different resources as props. A stick can be decorated and used as a wand! Let your imagination inspire theirs. You could find a large box and pretend it's your pirate ship you are sailing out to see on looking for treasure! Make maps.  You could use cushions to make a fire engine and the remote control saying "This is my phone, I'm going to call the fire-fighters to put out the fire!"

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